J. S. Phillimore: Traducció i traductors

Resseguint el fil dels precursors de la traductologia moderna fins a les primeries del segle XX, descobrim un altre classicista com en J. P. Postgate, de qui ja vàrem parlar anteriorment. En aquesta ocasió es tracta del poeta i traductor John Swinnerton Phillimore, que l'any 1919 féu a l'assaig Some Remarks on Translation and Translators interessants reflexions sobre l'ofici del traductor
By translation a language both learns what it is lacking in --the beginnings of change are in the imagination: till it be awakened, a language like a mind may remain sunk in self-unconsciousness and quite hereditary fatuity; and again, by translation it learns how to make good [...] Only a self-enclosed language is damned to decline. Translation is the very symbol of human tradition and continuity. The great translators are 'pivotal' people in the history of literature.
[...] So much then for the regular case of  translation serving as food and discipline for the development of a young language. There would be materials for another chapter in studying the profitable effects on the translator himself [...] I cannot imagine any one who has made a translation of any pretty large amount of a foreign author and not had for a reward of his labours at any rate an improved fluency of his pen. 

Referències bibliogràfiques:

PHILLIMORE, John Swinnerton: Some Remarks on Translation and Translators, 1919, pp. 7-8 [versió íntegra en línia].